Thursday, March 3, 2011

Reducing Your Risk

Once damage has occurred to the lymphatic system, the affected area will be at risk
of developing lymphedema from then on. Fortunately, there are steps one can take to
reduce their risk:

1. Skin Care
- Avoid cuts and scrapes to the skin as much as possible
- Keep skin clean and dry
- Apply moisturizer daily to prevent cracked skin
- Protect skin with sunscreen and insect repellent, or cover skin when outdoors
- Avoid nicks and irritation when shaving
- If possible, avoid injections on the affected side
- Wear gloves and/or long clothing with doing an activity that may cause a burn or
injury, such as cooking and gardening

2. Minimize Constriction
- Do not wear tight or restrictive clothing on the affected area
- Avoid carrying heavy bags or purses on the affected side
- Avoid using the affected arm when taking blood pressure

3. Avoid Extreme Temperature
- Avoid exposure to extreme cold or heat, or try to minimize any exposure to less than
15 minutes
- Avoid direct heat on the affected area, such as hot tubs and saunas
- Wear appropriate clothing in the winter and summer

4. Healthy Body Weight
- Being overweight increases the risk for developing lymphedema, due to an overload on
the lymphatic system
- Consult a family doctor, physiotherapist or dietician for healthy eating and physical
activity guidelines

5. Healthy Activity & Lifestyle
- Exercise does assist with draining the lymphatic system, however excessive exercise
may trigger lymphedema by causing inflammation in the joints and muscles, therefore
leading to an increase in lymph production
- Increase the duration and intensity of exercise gradually
- Rest frequently and avoid over-exertion
- Monitor the at-risk area during and after activity, looking for any change
- Whenever beginning a new activity or an activity not performed in a while (such as
shovelling snow or raking leaves), gradually work up to the activity over a period of
several weeks

Reducing your risk of developing lymphedema may require a slight or major change to
your lifestyle. However, if changes are implemented gradually, it will allow for a simpler

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