Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Staying connected

Quite a few years ago, I lost touch with a friend of mine. Several years passed and I almost began to forget about her. Then one day, the opportunity to reconnect presented itself and I jumped at it.

Even though we still don't see each other often, reconnecting with my friend is something I've never regretted. As far as friends go, there really isn't anything like an old friend. They are the ones who very often knew you before you became "you". That is to say, before life got in the way and you got too concerned with the silly things. The people who knew you way back when are just the people who will slap you silly if you forget where you came from, and sometimes we need that!

Our roots are not only important, but also something to be proud of. Why? Because they're a part of us. If we're not proud of our roots, then we can't really be proud of who we are now and the choices we've made. We've all been told that you can't love someone else unless you love yourself, and it's true.

Roots aren't always particularly unusual or "special", but that doesn't mean they're not important. Everything that has happened in our lives has had an impact on who we are. And besides, the beginnings lay the foundation for what we're working to make into a very special life!

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